Hazard Lights

In the event of an accident or breakdown, immediately turn on your hazard lights to warn vehicles behind you. If an accident has occurred, immediately stop your car. If you experience a vehicular breakdown, stop your car in an emergency parking bay if possible. If you are unable to stop in an emergency parking bay, stop in the breakdown lane.

Flare/Emergency Triangle

To warn approaching vehicles, set up behind your car an emergency triangle or other warning indicator to warn other drivers of your stopped vehicle. Or use your emergency flare.

Take Shelter

The driver and passengers should move to a place that they feel is the safest while remaining aware of their surroundings. When moving, you need to warn approaching vehicles.

Notifying Authorities

In the event of an accident, call the police (110). As necessary, you can call the fire department/paramedics (119). If there is an emergency phone nearby, please also notify the Hanshin Expressway's Traffic Control Office (those on duty as a rule only speak Japanese). For instructions on how to use an emergency phone,refer to section 3.

In the event of a breakdown, use the emergency phone to notify the authorities.
Do not take any dangerous action to reach an emergency phone. If you think moving is dangerous, please go to a place that you feel is the safest.

Hanshin Expressway patrol car (yellow-colored patrol car)

A Hanshin Expressway yellow-colored patrol car will be dispatched wherever possible by a call to the police (110) or the fire department/paramedics (119), or upon notification by emergency phone, or if an accident or breakdown is observed through cameras or monitoring equipment installed on the expressway. Patrol car crew members as a rule only speak Japanese, but they will use a telephone interpreter called Over the Telephone Translation Service (for English, Chinese and Korean) , so they may ask about your situation using this system (see attached PDF)